Review of Without Remorse: Czech National Socialism in Late-Habsburg Austria, by T. Mills Kelly. In Central Europe 11/1 (2013): 67-69.
‘Caesarism without Caesars’: Representation, Autonomy and the Democratization of the Law in the Late Habsburg Empire
Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 61/2 (2009): 189-204.
‘A Message from the Emperor’: Bureaucracy, Democracy and the Law in the Late Habsburg Empire
In From the Habsburgs to Central Europe, ed. Arnold Suppan and Richard Lein, Europa Orientalis Series, vol. 6, 153-178. Vienna: Lit Verlag, 2008.
Review of Vienna in the Age of Uncertainty: Science, Liberalism, and Private Life, by Deborah R. Coen. In Canadian Journal of History 43/2 (Autumn/Winter 2008): 308-310.
“Years of Blood and Darkness”: Czech Extra-Parliamentary Representation and Austrian Democratization during the Hilsner Affair, 1899-1900
Canadian Journal of History 43/1 (Spring/Summer 2008): 1-30. [ONLINE]
Review of Wiener Juden – jüdische Wiener: Identität, Gedächtnis und Performanz im 19. Jahrhundert, by Klaus Hoedl. In H-German (October 2007). [ONLINE]
Review of Jüdische Studien: Reflexionen zu Theorie und Praxis eines wissenschaftlichen Feldes, edited by Klaus Hoedl. In Austrian History Yearbook 36 (2005): 225-227.

The Paris Peace and the Austrian Parliament: How Austria Became a German State
Paper on Panel: Liberal Law at the End of Imperial Austria 35th Annual Meeting, German Studies Association, Louisville, KY, USA, September 2011.
New Democracy in the New Europe: Transitions from Continental to British Democratic Discourses in the Minority Treaties and their Implementation, 1918-1922
North American Conference on British Studies Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, USA, November 2009.
In the Realm of the Legal Unconscious: Citizens and State Power in Habsburg Austria, 1900-1918
Globalizing Historiography, American Historical Association 123rd Annual Meeting, New York City, USA, January 2009.
A Message from the Emperor: Representation and Sovereignty in the Late Habsburg Empire
Invited Talk. Annual Convention of the Centers for Austrian and Central European Studies, Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, USA, June 2007.
New Representation from Centre to Periphery: Class Politics, Mass Politics and the Jewish Question in the Habsburg Lands, 1895-1900
Invited Talk. Royal Historical Society Postgraduate Speakers Series, History Division, University of Northampton, UK, May 2006.
All the Kaiser’s Compromises: Formulas for Imperial Salvation and National Representation in Late Habsburg Austria
Nation and Empire, Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism 15th Annual Conference, London School of Economics, UK, April 2005.
Representation by Other Means: The Jewish Club in the Austrian Reichsrat, 1907-1908
From Pre-Modern Corporation to Post-Modern Pluralism: Diasporic Cultures and Institutions of the Jews between Empire and Nation State, Simon Dubnow Institute Conference, University of Leipzig, Germany, May 2004.
Diet Reforms in the Late Habsburg Period: The Case of the Moravian Compromise, 1905
Old and New Ideas of European Federalism, Europaeum Summer School, Charles University, Czech Republic, September 2003.
The Double-Edged Sword of the 1907 Austrian Electoral Reform: The Problem of Jewish Representation in the Czech Lands
Foreigners in Europe, Modern European History Research Centre Seminar, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, UK, February 2003.
Working Paper on the Reform of Austrian Suffrage, 1907
British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies Conference, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, UK, April 2002.
Das Blutmaerchen und das Recht: The Emergence of Political Authority Surrounding the Hilsner Affair, 1899-1900
Modern History Faculty East and East-Central Europe Seminar, Oriel College, University of Oxford, UK, June 2001.
Lynchpin in the Creation of Nation-States: The Influence of the Eastern Jewish Conception of National Rights on the Minorities Treaties at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919
Identity and the State: Nationalism and Sovereignty in a Changing World, Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, Columbia University, USA, April 2000.
Building Jerusalem in England’s Green and Pleasant Land: Connections between Zionism and Anglo-Jewish Patriotism, 1895-1902
Diasporas and Identity in the British Experience, Dept. of History 1998-1999 Colloquium, McMaster University, Canada, March 1999.
Defining the Alien: Normative Perceptions of Jewish Immigration in London’s East End, 1880- 1906
New Frontiers In Graduate History, Dept. of History International Graduate Conference, York University, Canada, March 1998.